I write this letter to bring to your knowledge certain developments which
have creating apprehensions in the teaching community. I would like to start by
congratulating the Mahagathbandhan Government of Bihar for providing stable
employment to 1.20 lakh teachers in a single day in an unprecedented move
which deserves laurels. The Mahagathbandhan Governement under your
leadership has changed Bihar’s image in providing employment and has
attracted the attention of youth from other states as well.
However, certain acts by overenthusiastic bureaucrats are being seen as
undemocratic by the teaching community, with the potential to diminish the
Government’s image among teachers and the general public. A senior officer
looking after the Education Department is regularly issuing orders that are
undemocratic in nature and are being seen by teachers as restrictions on their
rights. These orders have directed the teaching community not to assemble, form
their organisations, refrain from giving opinions and not to use social media to
express their thoughts. These orders are justifiably seen as being as anti trade-
While the Mahagathbandhan Government of Bihar is striving to uphold its
commitments to employment generation and social justice, these acts by officials
may have effect of diverting the focus from critical issues. Teaching community
in Bihar has protested against these acts and it should be paid heed to. I request
you in this background to look into the matter, address the concern being raised
by teachers and take appropriate action with regards to the officials behind these
undemocratic orders.